Thank-you to our Funders

Planting Wetland Plants at Xwaaqw’um

Native Seed Collecting Time

Restoration Update July 2024

Bird and habitat connections at Xwaaqw’um

Biochar is on!

Introducing Our Wetland Restoration Partners

Biochar Demonstration at Xwaaqw’um

A Hawthorny Subject: Bringing light to the invasive species issues on Salt Spring Island

Shtataxus Learning Centre

Invasive Species Removal

Winter Fish Monitoring

Postponed! - Wetland Restoration Begins

Coarse Woody Debris comes to Xwaaqw’um

Nursery work at the edge of Climate Change

The Feast House: Stqeeye’ Learning Society profile

Every Child Matters March with Us

Land Campaign Launch

Promoting restoration using story and art