Recommended reading
Those Who Fell From The Sky: A History Of The Cowichan Peoples by Daniel P. Marshall
National Inquiry into Indigenous Women and Girls
DRIPA, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (BC)
All Our Relations by Tanya Talaga
UNDRIP, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Intersectionality Matters podcast - Hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw, offering guidance on anti-racism and intersectionality
Video: Interview with Desmond Cole - Canadian author and activist interviewed on CBC about racial injustice in Canada
Video: Trevor Noah on George Floyd, Amy Cooper & Racism in Society - TV host and comedian discusses racial injustice and police brutality
Video: Interview with Jane Elliott - Diversity trainer and human rights advocate
White Fragility - Scholarly article by Robin DiAngelo on the concept of “white fragility”
Anti-Racism Resources (antiracism.co) - A compilation of resources by Black and Indigenous leaders for unlearning racism and colonialism
Babakiueria - a 1986 Australian satirical film on relations between Aboriginal Australians and Australians of European descent.