Thank-you to our Funders

Planting Wetland Plants at Xwaaqw’um

Biochar is on!

Introducing Our Wetland Restoration Partners

Biochar Demonstration at Xwaaqw’um

A Hawthorny Subject: Bringing light to the invasive species issues on Salt Spring Island

Shtataxus Learning Centre

Invasive Species Removal

Winter Fish Monitoring

Postponed! - Wetland Restoration Begins

Coarse Woody Debris comes to Xwaaqw’um

Nursery work at the edge of Climate Change

The Feast House: Stqeeye’ Learning Society profile

Every Child Matters March with Us

Land Campaign Launch

Promoting restoration using story and art

Xwaaqw’um Carbon Sequestration

A Royal BC Museum Collection tour for Stqeeye’ Land Stewards

August 16th at 6 pm: Wetland Restoration Information Session