Planting Wetland Plants at Xwaaqw’um
It is time to plant our fabulous 12,000 native wetland plants in two new wetland areas at Xwaaqw’um. Celebrate this achievement with us by coming out to volunteer. Planting days will start in late October and run continuously this fall until all the plants are in the ground. Many hands are needed to make this fall planting a success. Plants were grown by Ken’s Native Plants and Satinflower Nurseries.
Volunteers should plan on all weather clothing, bring their own water and snacks, gloves, a trowel or small shovel and other favourite tools. All plants will be provided, but a wheel barrow or kneeling pad for your own use would be a good idea. Wetland seeds have been collected by Stqeeye’ and by Satinflower Nurseries and can be scattered on the open rough and loose soils around the wetlands too.
Parking is easiest by the barns - walk due south - the planting areas are in Fields 9 & 10 for those who know the fields. Planting will begin at Field 10 on dates TBD and continue there until completed. Check back here for updates on the meeting location and times.